lørdag 13. oktober 2012

A trip into the archives: Provence

While being home on vacation I photographed some of my old projects and designs, so that I can show you, one garment at the time, what I've been doing for the last couple of years.

I'll start off with a blue and off-white dress I've made from a combination of old and new fabrics. 

The beautiful blue fabric, which is typical Provence, was new when I found in my mothers collection of fabrics, while the white fabric is a scrap from my grandmothers attic. 

To make smoother and more rounder edges on the upper blue fabric, it is simply sewn on top of the white. The white top is therefore actually just a simple ''box'' pattern, but the blue fabric creates a visual effect of a heart.

The dress is tight in the waist, while the top is a little ''bubbly'', so that it looks looser. That, in a combination with the heart-shape, makes your waist look slimmer and your boobs look bigger. hehe

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